Join us for an exciting educational program, including live company product presentations on the INNOVATION STAGE in the morning, and informal, interactive, and informative KNOWLEDGE2GO campfire sessions in the afternoon at our Sun Shading Expo Conference Area.
This is open to all registration types for Sun Shading Expo North America and Advanced Textiles Expo!
Learn more about the latest product innovations, developments and technologies presented by our exhibitors in hands-on live presentations.
KNOWLEDGE2GO | Onsite Sessions | 12:30AM – 4:15PM
Learn more about the latest product innovations, developments and technologies presented by our exhibitors in hands-on live presentations.
KEYNOTE: Customer Service Excellence: The Path to Greater Profits | 12:30pm – 1:30pm
LuAnn Niagara, LuAnn Nigara, Inc.
Your profitability is directly linked to the customer service experience you deliver. This Is true whether you are a retailer, manufacturer or sales rep. Join us as LuAnn Nigara reveals the three keys to exceptional customer service. Learn what your customers value and what keeps them coming back year after year.
This keynote is sure to inspire you to re-think your current customer service strategies and to help you increase your profitability.
Get ready to be challenged and get ready to be inspired!
LuAnn Nigara – celebrated media personality, “go-to” keynote speaker, and seasoned entrepreneur – has published three books, is a sought-after columnist, and has captured international attention for her weekly podcasts “Window Treatments for Profit” and “A Well-Designed Business®” which has more than 750 episodes and 5 million downloads.
The Endless Possibilities of Outdoor Living |
Olaf Vögele | media4technologies
Outdoor Living offers many ways to enrich the outdoor living space. For example, an outdoor kitchen can be transformed into a 365-day solution, offering a unique outdoor cooking experience. Combined with a glass house, movable glass walls or slatted roof, cooking is possible in summer as well as in winter, whatever the weather: the ideal solution for cooking and celebrating evenings in the midst of nature. A brand new trend is the use of umbrellas, sun sails, glass roofs, lamella roofs and pergolas as pool houses to create new living areas with quiet zones in this area. The presentation presents many interesting projects that have already been realized.
Enhancing Outdoor Living areas with Exterior Patio Shades |
Tommy Long | Universal Screens
Tommy Long will be explaining exterior patio shades and how they can enhance any outdoor living space. Exterior Patio shades are a multi-functional product that can be used for all types of purposes. Keeping the bugs out, blocking the sun and heat, insulating for heat and air-conditioning, high wind shades as well as outdoor movie projection screens.
This session will cover fabric options and the types of systems for each of these topics.
Learning Outcomes:
• What types of exterior patio shades are out there?
• What types of fabrics that are available in the industry?
• How to enhance your clients outdoor living experience by using Exterior Patio Shades?
External Shading – How this Solution will bring Energy Efficiency and Livable Buildings |
Anders Hall | ES-SO (European Solar Shading Association) | Shade Academy
The session will focus on how external shading can lower the energy consumption of AC by managing the influx of solar heating and make our buildings more comfortable.
Learning Outcomes:
• How dynamic solar shading actually works
• About potential savings
• That shading is not only a summer solution – but very useful during winter as well
Expand Your Horizons: Why and How to Add Outdoor Products to Your Window Treatment Offerings | 3:20 pm – 3:50 pm
INNOVATION STAGE | 10:00am – 11:55am
Learn more about the latest product innovations, developments and technologies presented by our exhibitors in hands-on live presentations.
KNOWLEDGE2GO | Onsite Sessions | 12:00pm – 4:00pm
“Lunch & Learn” Networking & Panel Discussion Maximize Profits with Exterior Products | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Moderator: LuAnn Nigara, LuAnn Nigara Inc.
You know the exterior product market is exploding. Untapped profitability is right there. But do you know how to sell outdoor products? Join LuAnn Nigara as she moderates an expert panel sharing their insights on customer demand, market trends and practical strategies for adding this lucrative revenue stream to your business. Whether you are already selling exterior products or finally considering it, seize this opportunity to maximize your revenue!
Hosted by: WCAA
Sponsored by: ExcitedWindows!
Embracing AI: Unlocking the Potential for Your Window Treatment Business | 1:00pm – 1:30pm
Will Hanke, Window Treatment Marketing Pros
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools can be a game-changer for window treatment companies. This presentation will explore how AI can be leveraged to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth. From website optimization to content creation and daily task automation, you’ll dive into the practical applications of AI that can revolutionize your window treatment business.
- AI-Powered Website Optimization
- AI-Assisted Content Creation
- AI-Driven Task Automation
- AI-Enabled Customer Insights
- AI-Powered Personalization
- AI and Human Collaboration
- Overcoming AI Adoption Challenges
By attending this session, window treatment business owners will gain a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be leveraged to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth. Attendees will leave with actionable insights and practical strategies to integrate AI into their window treatment companies, positioning them for success in the digital age.
How Installers Can Generate Extra Sales | 1:35pm – 2:05pm
Roger Magalhaes, Trading Up Consulting
After completing an installation, customers are often thrilled with the transformation of their space. This moment is key for installers to build on the trust and connection they’ve established. Simple conversations can open doors to additional services or products. In this presentation, Roger Magalhaes will share real life examples for you to leverage those opportunities and increase revenue.
Learning Outcomes:
- Increase bottom line.
- Create repeat business.
- Develop a system to increase sales without extra spending.
Navigating Family Business for Success | 2:10pm – 2:40pm
Jessica Harling, Behind the Design
From smaller dealers to large manufacturers, family business is prevalent in the window covering industry. With family, there comes pros and cons of operating together harmoniously. We will uncover the best strategies to managing family, handling conflict, and working together to build a legacy.
Learning Outcomes:
- Managing family members – how to create boundaries within the relationship and inspire them to work with you, not against you.
- Handling conflict – how to fire family, resolve disagreements, and stay focused on the goal.
- Building a legacy – creating sustainable processes that will stand the test of time through multiple generations.
Understanding the Use of Voice Control for Motorization | 2:45pm – 3:15pm
O’D McKewan,
This seminar will educate you on how Voice Control actually works and how you can best add it to your offerings and limit errors when installing. Thus giving your sales staff, clients, and installers more confidence and more reliable usage of the Voice Control Options.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understanding how voice control works.
- Learn sells techniques for offering to clients.
- Learn installation techniques for ease of use.
Overview of the Revised ANSI Standard for Safety of Window Covering Products | 3:20 pm – 3:50 pm
Learning Outcomes:
- What products are included and who must be compliant
- What has been eliminated for use on custom products
- Who enforces the new standard
Thursday, September 26 | Sun Shading Expo Conference Area
KNOWLEDGE2GO | Onsite Sessions | 10:00am – 12:15pm
Solar Shading – The Untapped Solution for SUSTAINABLILITY How? | 10:30am – 11:00am
Anders Hall, ES-SO (European Solar Shading Association) | Shade Academy
Our industry is holding a winning hand to deal a cost efficient, practical and smart solution towards a more sustainable global building stock. But the main challenge we face is lack of awareness within the market. By communicating based on outcomes and results, rather than just products, we can address this challenge and wake up an enormous untapped market potential. In ES-SO in Europe we have defined this as the “One Voice Strategy”. Why not do the same in US? The presentation will give you an example of how this can be done hoping to inspire based on the statement – “The best kWh is always the one we do not need”.
The next natural step is to acquire knowledge enabling us to act as professionals and be trusted to influence our customers choices and priorities. A short introduction on how this can be addressed via the online platform of Shade Academy.
The Efficacy of Selling Rechargeable Motors and Battery Packs | 10:35am – 11:05am
O’D McKewan,
Although Rechargeable Motors and Battery Packs are the fastest growing option in Interior Motorized Window Coverings, is it really the best product to offer your clients? In this open forum we will discuss the pros and cons of the rechargeable power options available.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understanding the pros and cons of the rechargeable industry.
- Learn how to educate your clients to allow them to make an informed decision.
Smart Home + Sun Shading = Sustainability plus | 11:10pm – 11:45pm
Olaf Voegele, media4technologies UG
The changed climate conditions have led to a change in the construction industry. “Sustainability” and the “carbon footprint of buildings” are the focus of planners, project developers and builders. This has implications for the solar shading industry.
The presentation will address the following questions:
- How sustainable are tested sun shading products and how do they affect the carbon footprint of buildings?
- What CO2 savings potential does exterior sun shading offer during its use phase?
- In comparison, how much CO2 is produced during its life cycle (raw material procurement, production, logistics, use and disposal)?
- To what extent can the combination of sun shading and smart home influence the carbon footprint of buildings?
The analysis is supplemented by a brief introduction to the European Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).
Attachments Energy Rating Council – Certification to Set You Apart | 11:50 am – 12:30 pm
David Cross | AERC (Attachments Energy Rating Council)Learning Outcomes:
• What is AERC
• What are the potential energy savings from window attachments
• How does the certification program work
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