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Sun Shading Expo North America  |  September 24-26, 2024  |  Anaheim, CA

Sun Shading Expo North America’s Zero-Tolerance Suitcasing Policy

Sun Shading Expo North America is dedicated to the success of our exhibitors. As such, Sun Shading Expo North America 2024 will have a zero-tolerance suitcasing policy. Any non-exhibiting attendee who is observed to be soliciting business as a supplier will be in violation of Show Management’s anti-suitcasing policy and will be asked to leave immediately and subject to additional penalties at the discretion of Show Management.

What is Suitcasing?

Suitcasing is when non-exhibiting companies solicit business at a Sun Shading Expo North America-affiliated location. This includes, but is not limited to, the show floor, public spaces, events, restaurants, and hotels. While all attendees are invited, any non-exhibiting attendee who is observed to be soliciting business as a supplier will be in violation of Show Management’s anti-suitcasing policy.

Why it’s Important?

Show Management’s anti-suitcasing policy is in place to protect the financial investment made by exhibitors. Sun Shading Expo North America exhibitors are paying for access to the attendee audience and therefore we will not allow non-exhibiting companies to take attendees’ time and business away from our legitimate exhibiting customers.

What Sun Shading Expo North America Show Management Will Do?

Show Management will take preventative measures before Expo and respond to all suitcasing complaints onsite. Any attendee who is observed to be suitcasing will be asked to leave immediately and subject to penalty, including loss of the company’s exhibiting priority points. Please report any suspected suitcasers to Sun Shading Expo North America’s Show Management at